Global Service and Ministry for University and Collegiate Faculty
Established 2010
academicconnectionsi@gmail.com © Academic Connections, International
Donate On-Line
You can donate to ACI by either US mail—see the left side of this page for that information, or by secure on-line means using the information provided on right side of this page.
Donations by secure on-line means (below):
This part of our donation page is where you can decide on-line how you would like to give to our ministry, its various projects and staff.
By following the link below you can securely customize your gift by using PayPal or if you do not have a PayPal account, donate as their guest by using your Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Amerian Express).
Use the donation dropdown option (below on this page) to choose which fund within Academic Connections you would like to donate to. Feel free to use the default “General Fund” if you do not have a particular Fund or staff member you wish to contribute to.
If you wish to donate to a particular staff member, select the “Staff Member’s Fund" option from the dropdown list and then type their name in the “Additional Info” space just below the dropdown option on this page.
When that information is entered, click on the “Donate” button below that. It will take you to a new page where you can complete the donation by first filling in an amount for the gift in the box provided on the left side of that page. Then you can complete the donation through PayPal (if you have an account or wish to create one), or by using the the “don’t have a PayPal account” option on that new page. Note: when entering larger gifts (more than $1000.00), please do not use commas in the number you enter, because it will treat it as an “invalid” amount.
Link to PayPal with options:
Donations Off-Line by Snail Mail
To send donations off-line by US mail, please make your check payable (only) to:
Academic Connections, International
please address your envelope to:
Academic Connections International
P.O. Box 270519
Louisville, CO 80027.
Please also include separate information about who you wish to support (e.g. a particular staff member) or what you wish to support (e.gs. projects, general fund, etc.) and please include contact information for yourself, so we can send you a tax receipt by return mail.
If you have questions you can reach us at 303.808.6245 or email us at aconnectionsi@gmail.com.
Academic Connections, International is a federally recognized public charity with 501 (c) 3 status and as such is authorized to recieve tax deductible donations, bequests, devises, transfers and gifts.
Our Exempt Status
Academic Connections, International