Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections, International

Απολογία - Conceptual Apologetics For Christian Professors

     For Christian professors who would like to better explain and defend the gospel and ideas that are friendly to theism.  

    Would you like to better explore and critique ideas and systems of thought that are unfriendly to the theism?  

    Feel free to peruse the resources we have assembled for your convenience.  


To Rick Duwe, friend and mentor, who by his example taught me the importance of research and how to use that conversationally.

Conceptual Analysis Resources & Developing Apologetic Skills for use in conversations: 

Version 3.4

          Introduction to this Portal

          Section 1: Introduction to Negative Apologetics (answering questions)

          Section 2: Introduction to Systematic Apolgetics

          Section 3: Introduction to Positive Apologetics (setting forth your case)

          Section 4: Introduction to Deconstructive Apologetics

          Section 5: Advanced Problems


          Terms of Use

          Caveat About the Consequences of "Arguing with Some People"